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Ditch your glasses and contacts this Summer &
Enjoy life faster than ever before with ZEISS SMILE!

Safe & Effective, Affordable & Life Changing LEC Icons

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today!

Advantages of ZEISS SMILE?


✓ It’s Safe and Proven – Over 4 million ZEISS SMILE procedures performed worldwide.


✓ It’s Comfortable – ZEISS SMILE uses the lowest pressure laser available.


✓  It’s FAST – Return to working out, swimming, and wearing makeup even faster!


ZEISS SMILE (Small Incision LASIK) is the newest form of LASIK. It allows for an even quicker recovery and maximum comfort for you.

3D image of a blue eyeball

LASIK Opening ~ 20mm

3D image of a blue eyeball

ZEISS SMILE Opening ~ 4mm – 6mm

How does it work?

ZEISS SMILE is performed using an advanced all-in-one laser. During treatment, the laser creates a thin, contact-lens shaped layer just beneath the surface of the eye. The layer is removed through a tiny opening. This changes the shape of the cornea, thereby correcting your vision!

Am I a candidate?

We usually recommend ZEISS SMILE for patients with nearsightedness, with or without astigmatism, especially for people who want to return to their active lifestyle quickly . The best way to find out for sure is to come in for your FREE consultation!

Schedule Your FREE Consultation Today!

We’ve Been Patients Too!

“I underwent LASIK over 17 years ago. Since then, I’ve performed thousands of LASIK procedures. I can truly say I’m 100% confident in the safety and results of Laser Vision Correction.”

-Craig Bindi, M.D.

Dr. Craig Bindi next to microscope

“Having had ZEISS SMILE vision correction myself, I strive to  elevate the patient experience and enjoy introducing vision correction to more people “

-Joe Ling, M.D.

Laser Eye Center of Silicon Valley's Dr. Joseph Ling: Refractive Surgeon, Medical Director – Lens Procedures