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Dr. Sudhinder Koushik

Our doctors are known for conservative advice and modern procedures that work, so our patients can get rid of their glasses & contacts and SIMPLY WAKE UP & SEE!

Dr. Sudhinder Koushik

Refractive Surgeon - Lens Procedures


- Specializes in “Lens-Based” Refractive Procedures, including Custom Lens Replacement (CLR) to help patients that wear readers or bifocals (typically after age 45) and EVO ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) for patients with extreme nearsightedness or atypical corneas

- Performs Modern LASIK procedures, including All-Laser LASIK, SMILE LASIK, and Epi-LASIK/PRK

- Obtained his MD degree from the Medical College of Virginia (VCU School of Medicine) in Richmond, VA, and completed his residency in Ophthalmology at the University of Missouri.

- Completed his fellowship in Refractive Surgery at the renowned Cleveland Eye Clinic.